Bem como consegui a minha antiga account de volta, decidi retomar ao meu hunter (tinha-o deixado nível 60), após 3 dias a bottar e ja estou nível 64, posso dizer que a partir do nível 60, as coisas começam a abrandar um bocadinho, faço sensivelmente um nível por dia, a uma velocidade de 40k/50k xp per hour, pena o hunter não ser como o warlock, basicamente e' mais complicado deixa-lo ligado durante a noite, visto que acabando as "arrows" o hunter fica sem utilidade nenhuma, e acreditem em mim que não demora muito tempo para acabar as "arrows", mas ao menos tem um bom depois... Ao fim de bottar, com este hunter, ate' nível 70 vou retomar o paladin que tinha deixado nível 20, posso desde já adiantar que paladin deve ser das classes mais difíceis de bottar visto que não tem um bom xp/hour e sao muito dependentes do gear...
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Bem, e' verdade, como ja nao postava aqui a' algum tempo consegui xegar ao nivel 50 no meu lock, quando xeguei ao nivle 50 consegui a minha account antiga de volta, e por isso vendi o meu lock nivel 50 por 60$ neste site-> recomendo inteiramente, e' so meter as infos da char e entrasse em live chat e 12h dps recebe-se o pagamento por paypal, nada mais simples ^^
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Bem hoje de manha tive uma boa noticia, acordei nivel 24, o meu score era algo como 1000 kills e 0 deaths, o que significa que as configurações para o meu lock funcionam a 100%
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Bem passados um dia (tempo real) encontro-me no nível 20, não e' la' grande coisa, visto que o computador de noite reiniciou sozinho ( o que e' bastante frustrante de constatar de manha ao acordar) mas recuperei bem durante este dia, e consegui chegar do nível 15 ao nível 20 numa manha e numa tarde, para já posso dizer que o meu warlock ainda nao esta' a bottar a 100% visto que ainda precisa de uns updates na tree, updates esses que vão estar completos logo que consiga chegar ao nível 24, a partir dai' vai ser tudo mais fácil.
Ainda estou um pouco indeciso em qual o pet utilizar, podia optar pelo voidwalker mas este reduz um pouco o meu xp/hour, mas também morro menos vezes, ou entao podia optar pela scub, tem um depois aceitável, mas como já disse com a tree que tenho actualmente nao deve funcionar muito bem, já passou algum tempo desde o meu ultimo "lvl bot" de um warlock, mas ainda assim acho que fiz a escolha acertada, o lock e' uma classe que não gasta la muito dinheiro, ao contrario do hunter, e ate' tem um bom xp/hour...
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1 - Configuration

Pull Distance - 30
Pet - Imp
Pet attack - Yes
Dark Pact - No? (unsure on this one)
Prevent runners - Yes
Farm Shards - Leave Blank
Shard on 1-Kill - Doesn't matter
Fear additional attackers - OMW says yes, I say NO! For the love of God NO!
Detect Nightfall - Yes (once you have the spell)
Use Death Coil - Yes (once you have the spell)
Use Wand - Yes
Use Immolate - Yes
Use Soul Link - (Unsure on this one)

2 - Action bars

The default action bars as described in the help file will work just fine, but I've made some tweaks using macros to make things appear more 'human' and to improve survivability. I'll only list the items I've changed out with my macros, everything else is the same as the help file. For some of these to work you will need the add-on IsBuffActive, which I highly recommend for gliding the warlock class.

Main Combat Bar (Shift + 5)

2. Switch out Curse of Agony with this macro. This will randomly select either CoA or Corruption to cast first.

/script s={"Curse of Agony","Corruption"}; CastSpellByName(s[math.random(getn(s))])

3. Switch out Corruption with this macro. This will determine which DoT was cast by the previous macro and cast the other one.

/script if IsBuffActive("Curse of Agony", "target") then CastSpellByName("Corruption") else CastSpellByName("Curse of Agony"); end

4. Switch out Immolate with this macro. This will check your health and mana and cast Immolate if all is well or your mana is low, or it will cast Drain Life if your health is low and your mana is at an acceptable level. Drain life (if not interrupted) does roughly the same damage as Immolate in less time, so it's a good switch.

/script CN=CastSpellByName;if ((UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player"))>.5) and ((UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player"))<.75) then CN("Drain Life") else CN("Immolate") end;

=. If you want to check your health again before casting drain life use this macro. It does exactly the same thing as the above macro but shoots your wand instead of casting Immolate.

/script CN=CastSpellByName;if ((UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player"))>.5) and ((UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player"))<.75) then CN("Drain Life") else CN("Shoot") end;

3 - Gear

Gear is pretty simple. Try to stay within 5-7 levels of your toon using 'Of Stamina' or 'Of The Eagle' items. Stamina is of primary importance since you will generally need rest for health long before you need rest for mana. Also stay current with wands. The higher your DPS with your wand the faster stuff dies, the less you have to rest, and the less aggro your imp has to take.

4 - Talents Edited 01/24/2006

Below is the talent build which has worked best for me. It also happens to be almost verbatim the talent build previously posted by OMW. You should go for the talents which will increase your DPS the fastest first, which means less casting time and lower interrupt potential, then direct damage.

Affliction Talents - 20 points
• Improved Corruption - rank 5/5
• Improved Drain Life - rank 5/5
• Fel Concentration - rank 5/5
• Nightfall - rank 2/2
• Improved Curse of Agony - rank 3/3

Demonology Talents - 15 points
• Improved Healthstone - rank 2/2
• Improved Imp - rank 3/3
• Fel Intellect - rank 5/5
• Fel Stamina - Rank 5/5

Destruction Talents - 12 points
• Improved Shadow Bolt - rank 5/5
• Bane - rank 5/5
• Improved Firebolt - rank 2/2
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=Top 10 Detection Dangers=-
Many people ask why we started a Glider Guild. Even more people have asked about Glider being detectable and what is behind the trickle of bans we now see. After tests and studies of the Ban/Sus forums, the number one reason for a ban is player detection. This led me to study many bot detection threads and videos. I have learned what players think:

1. Bots are usually unguilded.
2. Bots usually wear BOE only gear.
3. Bots don’t answer whispers.
4. Bots don’t care if you tag or kite them or their mobs.
5. Bots grind in remote areas w/o quest targets (*see note).
6. Bots jump for no reason.
7. Bots use DND or AFK.
8. Bots run the same path over and over.
9. Bots use the same attack over and over.
10. Bots, like Chinese pharmers, prefer the hunter class.

*The average Joe doesn’t frap himself detecting and reporting bots, only bot hunters do that. So this brings up the question about location data being skewed for the average player verses experienced bot hunters. The average player may not be familiar with what quests are or are not available in a “remote” area.

-=Player Bot Detection Videos=-
Player detection is at the root of almost every ban. Gliders should learn how the average player detects bots. It will become obvious that not all of these videos are Glider. Some are pretty lame bots but, it lets you see how players detect bots. Please note that none of these fraps could be made if ’follower log off’ and ‘avoid faction’ is used.
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Tive agora a testar umas novas configurações no glider, visto que o warlock nos primeiros níveis, pelo menos ate' ter drain life, e depois os updates ao drain life pela aflection tree, e' muito fraquinho, tive a instalar um "customize class rotines" que melhorou imenso o xp/hour do meu lock, basicamente agora ele joga, como uma pessoa normal jogava, manda todos os "dots" e depois wand ate' morrer, já estou nível 14, vou deixa-lo correr de noite, em principio se tudo correr bem devo acordar nível 19
Para quem tiver glider e quiser o class rotine que estou a utilizar pode fazer download aqui
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