=Top 10 Detection Dangers=-
Many people ask why we started a Glider Guild. Even more people have asked about Glider being detectable and what is behind the trickle of bans we now see. After tests and studies of the Ban/Sus forums, the number one reason for a ban is player detection. This led me to study many bot detection threads and videos. I have learned what players think:

1. Bots are usually unguilded.
2. Bots usually wear BOE only gear.
3. Bots don’t answer whispers.
4. Bots don’t care if you tag or kite them or their mobs.
5. Bots grind in remote areas w/o quest targets (*see note).
6. Bots jump for no reason.
7. Bots use DND or AFK.
8. Bots run the same path over and over.
9. Bots use the same attack over and over.
10. Bots, like Chinese pharmers, prefer the hunter class.

*The average Joe doesn’t frap himself detecting and reporting bots, only bot hunters do that. So this brings up the question about location data being skewed for the average player verses experienced bot hunters. The average player may not be familiar with what quests are or are not available in a “remote” area.

-=Player Bot Detection Videos=-
Player detection is at the root of almost every ban. Gliders should learn how the average player detects bots. It will become obvious that not all of these videos are Glider. Some are pretty lame bots but, it lets you see how players detect bots. Please note that none of these fraps could be made if ’follower log off’ and ‘avoid faction’ is used.
